The Best of Both Worlds for Children Ages 1-4
The HPS Network is always learning and growing. A few times a year, we have special events including field trips, fireman visits, egg hunts, Halloween walks, birthday celebrations, and holiday party. Our special events are fun and exciting! Cultural differences are welcomed and respected.
One of the many things the HPS Network does to engage and expand the fun of learning is field trips. We take approximately 3-4 field trips per year. We strive to connect our field trips to our monthly units. Some of our favorite places to visit are:

As we are constantly attentive to safety, we avoid the possible chocking hazard of neck ID tags. Instead, we use our HPS Field Trip shirts. To our excitement, we have just recently updated from bright red shirts to our beautiful maroon shirts.

In Spring, we love to celebrate with an egg hunt. What fun to have the children laugh and play while searching for plastic eggs.
When all the eggs are collected, then each child receives their own basket!! The baskets are filled with toys, games, and fun activities!
As each student's birthday occurs, we celebrate with making a small cake, goodie bags for everyone, and a bag of gifts for the birthday student!
When the firemen visit, they dress up in their fire suits to help teach us past our normal fear.
We love to have parents join us as we show off our costumes to the neighbors! We make sure to say "Happy Halloween" and collect for UNICEF. We like to help others!
At the end of December, we have a holiday party to sing our songs for Moms, Dads, Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, Brothers, Sisters, etc; eat some light refreshments; and let our students exchange gifts.